AI in Leadership: Insights from Kodora CEO Theodore Panagacos
In this episode of Disrupt Leaders, hosts Bill and Julian are joined by Theodore Panagacos, CEO of Kodora AI, to discuss the impact of AI on leadership and business. Theodore shares his extensive experience in the AI industry and provides valuable insights into the practical applications of AI, ethical considerations, and future trends. The conversation covers a range of topics including the use of AI in sports, the current state of AI adoption, and strategies for young leaders to stay ahead in the AI game.
Meet Grant Fullston. He's one of our many expert AI Engineers here at Kodora. Find out how Grant got into the field of Artificial Intelligence and he's views on what it's like to work for Kodora.
ToothfairyAI is one of the best multi-model (and secure) AI tools on the market. In this interview, we meet Chief Executive Officer of ToothfairyAI Gabriele Sanguigno where we learn more about the tool and the business use cases it helps solve.
In this video, Danielle from our Strategy & Vision team provides some excellent insights into how to foster customer loyalty, drive tailored personalised services, and increase customer awareness. Hear it straight from the AI marketing expert herself!
Meet David Yip who is the Founder and CEO of Impactive Systems. David and his team are working hard to help the education sector embrace AI in a safe yet effective way. Listen to David's insights on how the education sector is approaching the adoption of this technology.
Want to talk in any language? Well, here's a great example of how to do it using AI. Multi-languages tools can be used for marketing, improving customer service and even sales.
We are Australia's leading experts for AI Strategy. See our approach to AI strategy development and learn why our analysis and assessment is so comprehensive.