

Efficient job application cover letter generation

About SidekicAI:

Generated by ChatGPT
SidekicAI is a Chrome extension designed to assist job seekers in applying for jobs more efficiently. Its main feature is the ability to generate cover letters quickly during the job hunting process. Users can input their existing cover letter and a few specific skills, and SidekicAI will generate an AI-modified cover letter for each job application based on the job description.The tool aims to address the challenge of not knowing when the job search will end, offering a helping hand to find the desired job. It constantly improves its AI capabilities and adds new features to enhance its functionality. SidekicAI is free to get started and all data is stored locally, ensuring user privacy.The developer, Zimfy, offers additional information and has disclosed privacy practices, reassuring users that their data is not sold to third parties and is only used for the core functionality of the tool. User reviews highlight SidekicAI as a time-saving tool and praise its effectiveness in drafting cover letters, with some users reporting success in finding new job opportunities.Overall, SidekicAI provides job seekers with an assistant that streamlines the application process by generating tailored cover letters, ultimately helping them save time and increase their chances of securing a job.